ADHD and Work

We have created a welfare pack to help people with ADHD in the workplace. It is designed to educate on what it means to have ADHD in the workplace, and to aid the conversation between an employer and an employee with ADHD, with the aim of increasing mutual understanding and to help identify helpful reasonable accommodations.

This deals with the very important issue of people’s jobs and careers in the workplace, so we must issue a disclaimer that whilst every effort has been made with it, that it is used at your own risk.

The welfare pack is constructed of three sections :

  • An introduction to ADHD from the perspective of the employer. For the conversation to be impactful it is essential that the employer has a good understanding of ADHD.
  • A structured conversation. This aims to ensure a well-rounded, disability-focused conversation between the employer and the person with ADHD. Without structure we’ve found the conversation can often be too short and focused on “problems ” rather than traits.
  •  A list of ideas for workplace adjustments. Reasonable adjustments that have come out of our own research. We name it “Ideas” so as not to close off any adjustments that might come out of your meeting.

We welcome feedback on the program to continue to build and enhance it.

If you are using the pack and want support on it you can access free support through our drop in advice clinics we also offer individual private support for both employers and employees via our corporate support services.

If you’ve downloaded previously and are checking for updates the current pack is Version 220314.

2023 welfare pack