Useful Resources

ADHD Communities

We have substancial communities on Facebook and virtual support groups. Links and information here.

Reddit: The main ADHD subreddit is the largest ADHD community in the world. The ADHD UK subreddit (shares a name but is not affiliated) aims to focus on more UK and ADHD issues and has recently been taken over by new moderators and been reinvigorated.  Reddit is community that allows anyone to post (so caution should be used when reading). It votes up and down posts and comments allowing you to see information on ADHD and be informed from other people’s opinions. We highly recommend looking through the comments as they can often be as informative, if not more informative, than the post itself.

ADHD charitable organisations around the world.

See the perspective of other countries to perhaps help round your own perspective.

Australia: ADHD Australia
Canada: Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada
New Zealand: ADHD New Zealand
USA: CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder).
South Africa: Goldilocks and the Bear Foundation

ADHD on Youtube

How to ADHD. Jessica McCabe’s highly reccomended ADHD channel. You can also see her TEDx Talk here.

National Geographic: What is ADHD

ADHD Podcast

Extraordinary Brains by our co-founder Dr Max Davie

Neurobirth Podcast : Commissioned by Te Whatu Ora, Capital Coast and Hutt Valley with a vision to bring research, evidence-based practice, and lived experience of pregnancy, ADHD, and Autism to a wide-reaching audience in an audio format.

BBC Sounds: That ADHD Story

Finding an ADHD Coach

We recommend meeting the coaches we know and value via our Ask an ADHD Coach events.

You can also find coaches via:
And via our ADHD UK marketplace!

You can also find some good questions to ask coaches here.

Examples of ADHD / Neurodiversity Workplace Intiatives

Royal College of Nursing – Support for Neurodiverse Nurse Staff
Creative Differences – Universal Music’s handbook for embracing Neurodiversity
EY Neuro-Diverse Centres of Excellence


ADDITUDE’s guide to ADHD characters in movies.

ADHD Organiser/Decluttering Help

APDO Association of Professional Declutterers and Organisers have organisers with an ADHD specialism. In “Find an Organiser” select ADHD/ASD in the “Search by specialism” option.

News Articles on the importance of diagnosis

Jane Robert’s first person account about her son Ben. (Metro, May 2020) How his ADHD went undiagnosed for much of his life. How he therefore struggled with the challenges without support. Ulimately resulting in a path where he took his own life aged 30. “With a correct diagnosis aged seven, I’m convinced Ben’s life would have followed a different path”

I was diagnosed with ADHD at 37. (Sunday Times, April 2020). First person article by author James Bloodworth. Always in trouble at school. Dead-end jobs. Failed relationships. James Bloodworth often wondered why he found life so difficult. Then four months ago, a psychiatrist gave him the answer – and a new way of looking at the world.

ADHD tools

Focusmate – working with someone quietly on zoom. A number of ADHD people have told us that having someone there to help hold them to account is effective for them. – working together with different structured times. Free to try, then a monthly subscription.

Remarkable 2 – an e-paper notepad that syncs your written notes to your computer. With a simple interface and no other apps to distract. – app providing real-time transcription of your meeting. Useful for notes and useful for scrolling back to catch up if your focus moves out of the meeting for a period.

Llama List – a different structure to working through work lists.

ONE MIND Pysber Guide – a guide to mental health apps

EndeavorRx – a video game that is prescribed for kids with ADHD. (And a BBC News article talking about it)

ADHD Comics

ADHD Alien – comics about the daily struggle with ADHD seen through the eyes of the ADHD Alien
Dani Donovan – ADHD mental health illustrations.

Want to deep dive into ADHD?

664 pages of NICE Clinical guidelines for ADHD. The authoritive guide for the treatment of ADHD in the UK but do note, and quoting the guide, “Guidelines are not a substitute for professional knowledge and clinical judgement”, which means the guidelines are not absolute and your doctor can exercise flexibility from them.

59 pages from Greater Manchester NHS Combined Authority regarding their treatment strategy.

Take an online course on ADHD from King’s College London University & Futurelearn. At the time of writing, there is a no obligation free four-week trial available for this course.

Take a free online course “Understanding ADHD” from the Open University

And not to forget Wikipedia. Where the main ADHD page alone offers over 17,000 words and 250 references.

Sunflower Scheme

People with ADHD may want to show Sunflower Scheme items to indicate they have a hidden disability. You can buy Sunflower Scheme items (E.g. lanyards, cards, pins) from the Hidden Disabilities Store.

Autism and ADHD

There are a significant number of people with both ADHD and Autism. If you’re an adult and think you might have autism the AQ50 is an autism screener for adults who may have been missed previously.

Mental Health Well Being Scale & Tracker

The Warwick Mental Health Well Being Scale is a well respected scale and if used intermittently can be used to track change. It has been used by people making lifestyle changes, medication changes or other changes/learning as a tool to help track the impact of those changes.

ADHD in Prisons

An article and research on “ADHD Critically under diagnosed in prisons